Drug use in France following teleconsultation: A Repeated Cross-sectional Study Using the National Health Data System
Background: Telemedicine has been developed as part of experiments in pilot regions since 1 January 2014, and for a period of...
Background: Telemedicine has been developed as part of experiments in pilot regions since 1 January 2014, and for a period of...
Environmental scan study: a two-part description of the process of involving patients in pharmacoepidemiological research...
Feasibility study TAVI-u: description based on National Health Data System (SNDS) data, the evolution of...
Étude de faisabilité ROBOT-u : description à partir des données du SNDS, l’évolution du type de chirurgie mini-invasive (i.e., sans...
Étude observationnelle rétrospective menée à partir des données du Système National des Données de Santé (SNDS) de 2014 à 2021...
Étude à partir du système national des données de santé (SNDS) de 2014 à 2021 : description de l’utilisation de...